Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sites For Your Monetization And Promotion.

In fact wise owners of commercial websites understand that investments do not pay off for a couple of days. I also hope that you understand this truth. In fact making money online with the help of commercial website is considered to be an extremely difficult affair which requires a certain degree of persistence and certainly your everlasting burning desire. Sure I don’t take into account a great number of obstacles which might arise on your way. Oh, poor money maker you can’t realize how many traps are there on your way. But of course it’s not the reason to get frustrated to my mind because there’s one perfect solution for you to cope with overwhelming problems. Certainly I mean that you can monetize your money making website and wait for results.
From my point of view it’s highly advisable for you to answer some questions mentioned here below. Are there similar sites that are appropriate for your subject, on which articles and paid banners are placed? Can you become a competitor for them? How high can you rise in a competitive environment? How well do you know the theme for your future site? Will it be absorbing for other people? Do you know how to get along with search engines and redirectors? Are you ready to invest money in creating content, design and so on? How much time are you going to spend for all of this? Are you a hard worker? How soon do you plan to earn the first revenue from your website?
If you mange to answer all those answers positively then you are welcome to monetize your website. I should say that I know all of this thank to my years of experience. I worked with a variety of Internet resources. I should say that I never start any project without executing the following algorithm of actions. This algorithm can be explained by my necessity to analyze competitors, estimate the budget for promotion, identify the concerns of advertisers to the site. That’s my algorithm. This is the minimum “set of webmaster” before creating a new resource from my point of view.
Here are a few key mistakes typical for beginners. They begin to set pop-ups, distracting blocks of contextual advertising and in the end they begin to sell non-thematic links. Such tactics can be effective only at the initial stage. And in the end they undergo a real crash to my great regret. I think that the best way of promotion for these people is establishing direct contacts with advertisers. I advise to use only thematic affiliate links in this case. As you can see monetization of sites is just the matter of experience. I don’t doubt that you’ll gain this experience very soon.