Saturday, April 2, 2011

Promote Your Website With Keywords.

This review opens up new opportunities for using key phrases to earn money online when you place contextual advertising. I really hope that you know what this contextual advertising means. OK, I see that I can go on.
There are many sources, allowing us to study the theory of conquering top positions in search engines. But to our great regret very often, the theory does not bring us closer to practice and it even inspires uncertainty in our possibilities. Many sophisticated methods of hitting the top of the competitive demands are able to scare even professionals in their field.
But the proposed method described below assumes the nomination of only one promising phrase and your intensive work with this on the website or even a group of sites. Of course I can understand your curiosity. It’s clear that it is so tempting. Just one key phrase and you’ll get tons of cash from it! So let’s learn this art of choosing key words.
For a good start it is recommended to choose those queries where the frequency of hits is not as great as the number of rivals. It happens very often that the search engine gives domestic rather than the main page. Behind this lies a huge advantage. Note that if the site is built on a single keyword phrase then its top popularity will always be higher when compared with normal Internet pages of any even the most reputable site.
Perhaps you should make key phrases in compliance with certain rules. They are here below. Choose that phrase, the number of daily queries for which is more than 300. Focus on the number of competitors. There should be no more than a million pages on the exact query. Then check all of this in the search results. But you shouldn’t think that these recommendations are going to be axioms for you. On the contrary these recommendations are of a very conventional nature. You should consider my words to be just a sort of hint and nothing else. I’m sure that after a while you’ll gain your own experience and work out your individual approach to this.
By the way I’d like to inform you about one important rule in selecting correct key phrases. The matter is that you should try to reject jargon and special words used by professionals and advanced users of the World Wide Web. What should you do? Imagine yourself in the ocean of our human curiosity. Try to imagine what people are searching for on the net. I just mean that most probably that their interests are usually beyond these everyday highly competitive Internet queries. They need something special. In fact they need what you need most probably. Such an approach will increase the attendance of your website up to 10-20% and it’s not so bad to my mind. Just try this.