Saturday, April 2, 2011

Factors Affecting The Search Engine Optimization In Google.

Hi, I’d like to talk about factors which are considered to be very important for the search engine optimization, especially Goggle. As an experienced money maker you can’t deny the role of search engine optimization for your Internet business. I’ve done a good and really big job by making the list of these factors. So here below you can read them all.
So I’d like to start with keywords, because without them your constant cash flow is unreal. So in this case the first and the second word are the most valuable ones. Then think about keywords in the domain name. You should also pay attention to the title tag description of the document. These 5-9 words should not contain special characters.
Then you should check the description. There should be no more than 200 characters. I should say that Google doesn’t see this any longer but it is still often used by other PC. Now look at keywords tag. It should be less than 10 words. Keywords should appear in the body of the page from two or more times to be effective, otherwise they may be regarded as spam. Keywords should also be present in links to internal pages. All internal links must be valid. You should apply a tree-like menu structure for any page and it shouldn’t exceed 4 levels of nesting. There should be an availability of navigation in the bottom of the page.
As for the domain level, I can tell you that Edu is the most promising, followed by Org, and Com. Since they contain a lot of spam, Google will be subjected to rigorous analysis of these sites. The size of the text on the page shouldn’t exceed 100K and it shouldn’t be smaller than 1K.
It is important to update pages quite regularly. I’d like to stress that the longer the page exists without changes the more Google trusts it. Moreover Google does not like pages with frequently updated external links. And what about the refresh rate? The matter is that spiders crawl the refresh rate very often. As for the length of URL you should make it as short as possible. The maximum size should be 2000 characters, preferably up to 100 characters or less. The volume of the site should be also taken into consideration because Google appreciates mainly large sites with well-organized navigation and efficient and understandable structure. The age of the site is also essential in this case because Google believes that the older the domain the better it is. I think that exactly because of this you should start your Internet business as soon as possible. Moreover you should have enough time to think about all these requirements mentioned above. I hope you’ll meet all these requirements successfully.