Saturday, April 2, 2011

Making Money Online With Blogging Secrets

Blogging, or keeping a web journal or log, is a popular hobby for many people, but for some, it becomes a profitable thing to do.  Blogging can be made profitable generally through advertising; you have text links or ads on your blog and when people click on them, you make money.  A very few bloggers end up syndicated or bought by larger companies and that’s how the blogger makes money.  Monetizing a blog is something most bloggers dream of doing, but rarely succeed at.  Is there a huge secret to blogging, something that only a few people have tapped?
Surprisingly, no.  Most of the so called ‘secrets’ of blogging are little more than common sense, dedication, and a bit of luck.  But, there are some things to keep in mind if you want a successful blog.  Here are four ‘write’ things to do for your profitable blog!
1.  Write Lots.  Updating your blog regularly is extremely important.  It will keep your readers interested and keep the search engines happy and ranking you high so that you get even more readers. If you can’t manage to write a new entry daily, at least manage to do it weekly; regularity is a key to a successful blog.
2.  Write relevant content.  Whatever you decide to write on, make sure that it is rich with keywords and phrases, is relevant, and is interesting to readers.   Keyword rich content will be more easily ranked by search engines and you’ll capture the attention of more interested readers who may then click on your advertising links.
3.  Write on free blogs first.  Test the waters of your blog by using a free blogging platform such as Livejournal, blogger or  This will let you write your blog without worrying about paying for domain names, hosting or learning how to do website work and you can see how popular your blog is.  Then, when your blog gathers up plenty of readers and you’re on a regular rhythm of updates, you can move everything over to your own website where you can start doing more vigorous affiliate marketing or sell your own things.

4.  Write what you love.  One of the most important things that is often overlooked: write what you love.  If you are writing about things that seem profitable but you hate doing, you won’t do as good a job of it as if you write something you love that is less well known.  Your readers can sense your passion (or lack thereof) and if you start trying to coast by writing only on things that seem profitable, you’ll have bored readers and you’ll be less likely to update it.  All of these things mean that your blog will flop no matter how profitable it seems like it should be!
There are no ‘secrets’ to successful blogging, nothing that anyone is particularly holding back.  The main reason why most blogs fail is because people don’t give them enough time to become successful, they don’t write very interesting content and/or they just try to focus on money making and not on what they enjoy.  People go to blogs to get opinions, discussions, and a window on someone’s view on life, not just to have products shoved in their face.  Write what you love, write regularly and write well and your blog will do well for itself and even become profitable for it.