Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Secret To Building A Website That Earns More Money.

The Secret To Building A Website That Earns More Money.

By Shabbir Ahmad Kashf

There is a secret to building a Google Adsense website that earns more than your competitors and gets you a lot of repeat website traffic. This article will discuss what this secret is plus reveal how you can find the highest paying Adwords keywords in just a few minutes.First off, why would you want to build content-rich websites? The short answer is "Because it keeps people on your site for awhile, it makes them come back, and they tell their friends about that site."But why? Well, for one thing, people will stay on a content-rich site because it takes awhile to read an article or two. Thus, while they're reading the material, their peripheral vision (off to the sides) notices little ads that happen to surround that articles.And if people start to realize that a certain site has good content that they like, and in particular, different content that constantly changes and is updated, then they'll check back to see what's new.The worst thing in the world to have is a stagnant website that never changes. People will visit it exactly twice-the first time to check it out, and the second one to see what's changed-and when they find out it hasn't changed, they most likely won't come back. Ever.What are Content-Rich Google Adsense Websites and Why Have One?A content-rich site is one that has lots of informative articles up at it, usually centered on a theme. Most sites can't quite pull off being WikiPedia, so they specialize. For instance, you could do a site for dog owners. Possible articles on that site would cover:How to figure out what kind of dog you wantWhere to get a dogHow to deal with a puppyLife stages of a dogHouse-training puppiesDog trainingWhat to feed dogsWhether to get more than one dogHow to socialize dogs with other dogs and with catsExercise needs of dogsTraining dogs to do tricksTreating fleasCommon dog ailments and when to go to the vetDog nutritionTaking your dog on a tripGetting a pet sitter or boarding your dog if you don't take him on a tripThe articles you'll want to have on your site should be short enough so that someone can read them in about 5 minutes. This means you want to stick to articles of 250 to 750 words, with 300 to 600 words optimal. To give you an idea, a single page in a published novel has about 300 words.Of course, your real purpose in putting up all these nice little short articles and changing them out frequently is not to just put information out into the world. It is to have a site that people will come back to so that they will see the Google AdSense ads, and click on them, and then you will get checks in the mail.